
Happy Easter!

Day 13 - [04.04.10]
When I got home from work today, Dad was sitting at the table eating candy out of his Easter basket. The first thing I asked was "Do I have one?!?" Dad told me to ask mom and she asked what kind of question was that and told me to go find it. It was in the second spot I looked, behind the chair in the living room. I rock. :P

I had been thinking about the whole Easter basket thing while I was at work today and was pretty sure that Mom and Dad had forgotten about it. Yeah, I was disappointed when I thought about it, but it wasn't like it was a huge deal. I mean, I am 22. I don't NEED an Easter basket. But let me tell you, I was so excited when I found out that I had one. It seriously made my day. :)

As you can see I got the movie the Blind Side. I saw it in theaters when it came out and I loved it and had told mom that I would be buying it when it came out, so I was really happy about that. And you can't see the Jelly Bellys that are hidden in the bottom, or the Fun Dip that was added after I got my basket. Yes, that's right, I really am like 8 at heart.

Song of the Day:
Hot n Cold by Katy Perry
[I heard this song on my way home from work and I was like "YES! Song of the day, right there!" Oh man I could write pages on why I chose this song. But I'm just going to say that it feels somewhat appropriate right now. AND Katie and I went through a Katy Perry phase this summer, so the song also reminds me of her.]
♥ Sara
"Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won't stay there." -Clarence W. Hall

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