

Monday (September 28) I got up and got ready to go to town. I had an appointment to get my hair fixed (trimmed and un-dyed) and I needed to meet up with Benjamin to give him his cookies. So, when I was ready I headed to town. I met Ben at the gas station (he was filling up before heading out of town) and gave him his cookies. I *think* he was happy with them! haha. . . .

After I left the gas station, I went to the salon. I was there a little over an hour and my hair was officially all brown and nicely trimmed. I love it! I am so happy with it. And it didn't cost nearly as much as I expected it to. (Even though Mom and Dad paid for it for me, it still made me happy that it didn't cost that much.) When my hair was done, I picked up a few things we needed from town then headed back to the house.

I spent my evening watching a movie with dad. We watched Crash. It was incredibly good. And in the meantime I worked on photo editing and my blog. I talked to Justin for a bit and then went to bed.

Day 190:
I LOVE Indian Corn. (in my grandma hands. . . yes I realize my hands are more wrinkly than my 80-something year old grandmother's.)
Day 190:
can't really tell the difference in my hair in this picture, but it's there.
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
Facebook was originally named TheFaceBook and it was developed by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg.
"The hair is the richest ornament of women."
-Martin Luther

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