

Thursday (September 24) I got up and got ready for the day (showered and dressed) and then I called the hair salon to see if they could give me a quote for my hair and to see if I could get an appointment. The lady told me she would need to see my hair to tell me what she thought of it. I went in to town to see her and she told me that she could do it for sure and it wouldn't cost me that much, so I made the appointment. While I was there I picked up some stuff we needed from Wal-Mart.

When I got back home I made a few necklaces and just hung out and watched TV for a while. Later, I made a batch of no-bake cookies and put together a care package for Justin. Around that time, it was time for Survivor. I watched it with mom and dad while Skyping with Justin. Skyping is seriously the best thing in the world for long distance relationships. Not only do I get to talk to him but I get to see him. Justin and I finally said goodnight and went to bed.

Here are the pictures from today:
Day 186:
the necklaces I made.
Day 186:
in my room.
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
The average human head has about 100,000 hairs.
"Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart."
-Kay Knudsen

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