
Zip On!

Saturday (September 26) the wake-up bell rang at 730. But by that time I was up, dressed and had found Dad and found our way to the dining hall. We drank coffee and talked until 8, when we had breakfast. After breakfast Dad and I tried to go geo-caching again, but we couldn't find it again. Bah! We give up. I'm convinced someone picked up the clues. After we were done geo-caching we walked to archery and shot for a bit. I suck at archery, I'll be the first to admit it, but it's fun just the same. After archery we walked around for a bit and just spent time together.

Chapel was at eleven. We went to chapel, when it was over we had lunch. Like I said in Friday's post, we definitely don't go hungry at Camp! We ate, and then we played a couple games of checkers before heading to the zip line area. I wanted the chance to see other people going before we did, plus that way I got some pictures of what we would be doing. At that point, I was nervous, but not bad.

We got our harnesses on, the rope that we would be hanging from, the dog leash we would be dropping so someone could stop us, and our helmets (although I'm still not quite sure what good the helmets would do). Then we climbed up the tower, but dad and I weren't in the first group to go, so we had to wait down one level from the top while the other people got hooked up and went. Waiting was by far the worst thing ever! During that time I just felt like I was going to throw up. Finally, it's our turn. We get to the top and get hooked up and my stomach is doing flips. I am going to throw up, I'm convinced. Jeremy, the guy running it, tells me that I will be fine and to just go when he says go, not to hesitate. (That was the same thing that Lindsey had told me. She is a girl that I met at camp a couple years ago and we seem to be bunked together every year, which is great!) So he opens the gates and tells us to get ready to step off. Yes, step off. That means I will be stepping off a tower that is over 100 feet in the air. And then hanging by a cable and rope for almost 1000 feet. Bah! He counts down and . . . I jump. Unlike expected, there is no catch, you glide smoothly and evenly. I thought I was falling for sure. I look back and dad was a long ways behind me. Why is that, you wonder? Well, it's because he hesitated!! :) Once I was going I started snapping pictures and just enjoyed the ride. Will I be going next year? You better effing believe it!!! :D

Once my heart and stomach got back to where they were supposed to be we made the walk back to the zip cabin and took our gear off and left it there, then we headed to the shooting range. Dad and I enter the father/daughter shooting competition every year, and I think we have won every year. But see, I'm not out to win the certificate (I haven't been for a few years.), my only goal is to beat Dad. So we end up shooting a few rounds. I beat him this year, and we won overall as well. We shot until time for dinner. After dinner we just hung out together for a while, wandered around. Then it was time for chapel again. Chapel Saturday night lasts around two hours. And when chapel let out. . . we had snack. After snack, we spent some time in the game room before turning in for the night. I was exhausted after getting up at like 615 that morning.

Day 188:
Dad on the zip line.
Day 188:
me on the zip line.
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
"I don't want to be made pacified or made comfortable. I like stuff that gets your adrenaline going."
-Kathryn Bigelow

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