
My Birthday.

Yesterday was my birthday! Unfortunately that isn't nearly as exciting as it sounds. I felt kinda crappy and was just not in a happy mood. So I spent most of my day locked in my cave watching Law and Order and browsing the internet. Around four, I decided I should probably get myself ready. So I got up and took as shower and got ready to leave the house.

Once I was ready, we had cake and ice cream for my birthday (my parents and I did) and I opened their present. They got me an external hard drive for my computer, which I really needed as I have no more space on her whatsoever. And they told me I can get Beatles RockBand, but I need to find it.

After we were done celebrating I went outside to take pictures. On my way out Justin' called! :) With him being in class all day, evenings have become, by far, my most favorite part of the day because it is the only time I get to talk to him. So, I talked to him and took pictures. Then we had to leave so I had to let him go.

Dad and I had a Fire Association meeting in Alverno. It wasn't all that exciting either. Other than the fact that Danny made me stand up and introduce myself, even though most everyone in the room knew me. Bah. I always feel awkward in those situations. I know, you are shocked. :P I also got my schedule for fire school, turns out it will be EVERY Monday and Thursday night and EVERY Saturday. >_<>

I got home just before Justin went to bed. We talked about how wrong we both were about Facebook birthday wishes. I guessed I would have ten posts, he guessed seventeen, it was in the mid-forties by midnight. He had to get some rest though, so I told him goodnight, then went to bed shortly there after myself.

Day 212:
man I love fall.
Day 212:
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
The Neanderthal's brain was bigger than yours is.
"Bittersweet October. The mellow, messy, leaf-kicking, perfect pause between the opposing miseries of summer and winter."
-Carol Bishop Hipps

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