
CPR Training.

Sunday I got up and said goodbye to my love. I hate leaving. HATE HATE HATE it. But I had to make the 4.5 hour trip back to my parents' house in time for the fire meeting. My first official day as a fire fighter! The meeting was actually our annual CPR and First Aid training. Now, had I not been attending said trainings for the past probably five or more years, this may have been intimidating. But I know all the guys and have been around the station my entire life. So, I did the training, and passed. Once again I would have been nervous prior to the training and grateful post-training had I not already done it so many times.

After the training was over Dad and I talked to the guys for a while. Once they left Dad gave me yet another tour of the firetrucks and station. I think he forgets that I have been around it forever, but I will admit I haven't always paid close attention because I never really thought I would end up serving on the department. So I paid closer attention this time. Then Dad had me try on his gear so we could have something to use as a reference when ordering my gear. His, of course, was way too big for me, but we took pictures of it anyhow (see Facebook for said photos).

Once we were done at the hall we went back home and hung out there. By the time we got home it was dinner time. So we ate then I worked on uploading pictures and just really didn't do much. I finally took a shower at like 9ish. Then Ben texted me and asked what I was up to. We talked for a bit then decided to go bowling. I suck at bowling if you didn't know that, but I still thoroughly enjoy it. AND I did win one of the six or seven games we played! lol.

After bowling I went home and went to bed!

Here are the pictures:

Day 140:
a shot of the score of our last game. :)

Day 140:
in Dad's gear.
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
A shark can detect one part of blood in 100 million parts of water.
"Take some time to learn first aid and CPR. It saves lives, and it works."
-Bobby Sherman

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