

Tuesday, Justin and I got up and went upstairs and ate breakfast. But we were both so tired so we decided to go back downstairs and relax for a while. Well that turned into us sleeping most of the day. I think it was like 3 or 4 when we finally got up. I took a shower and got ready to take some pictures and we took the camera outside. Once we were out there Justin decided that he didn't look good enough to be in pictures and took my camera from me. So we pretty much had a Sara photoshoot. (For some of the pictures see facebook.)

After that we uploaded some pictures to facebook and just hung out. When my parents got home, Dad went with us down to the fire station. He taught me how to run the air station (maintenance that needs to be done once a week). Then I showed Justin the trucks/got a quiz on what was where in them. Dad made me annouce what was behind each door before opening it.

When we were done at the station we went back to my parents' house and picked up Mom then we went to Big Boy for dinner. I was dying for chocolate and/or ice cream so I could get my wish there. After dinner we went back home and Justin and I did some laundry and played Jeopardy until we decided to go to bed.
Day 149:
Justin through the thermo-camera (Dad if I spelled that wrong tell me)
Day 149:
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
A house in Baghdad worth $15,000 before the Iraq war now sells for $120,000 to $150,000.
"The camera can photograph thought."
-Dirk Bogarde

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