Wednesday was a lazy day for us. I say us because Katie and Justin didn't do any more than I did. Justin went to class, but aside from that the three of us just sat around. We watched Boy in the Striped Pajamas with Krissi and Carolyn. If you haven't seen it I would totally recommend it, but warning it isn't the happiest of movies. Then again, you can tell that by the cover.
After the movie we went up stairs. We played some Wii. I worked on catching this up, I WILL get this all caught up soon, I promise!
We didn't even go to Wild Bull for Wild Bull Wednesdays! I know, please don't die of shock. None of us felt up to it, we were all so tired and just plain exhausted from the days before. Instead of going out we decided to have a movie night. We watched Changling. Another movie I would recommend if you haven't seen it before! After the movie we went to bed. I know, we were so lame, but we all need to be lame once in a while. And I can't think of any one else I would rather be lame with. lol.
Here are the pictures:
Day 137:
the lamp.

Day 137:
so tired, and lazy.
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
If you are right handed, you will tend to chew your food on your right side. If you are left handed, you will tend to chew your food on your left side.
"I like the word "idolance." It makes my laziness seem classy."
-Bern Williams
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