
Last Word.

Sunday (August 2) Justin and I got up and had breakfast. Then we went to the beach. His grandpa lives on Lake Michigan so we had our own private area, his cousin and his girlfriend went with us. The weather was perfect and we had so much fun playing in the water. The best part was when Justin realized I had the Rubik's cube in my bag. I'm pretty sure I surpassed him in cube nerdiness when I did that.

After the beach we went to Toys R Us so we could get cubes. Justin didn't actually have his own, he was using Blake's so we were both in need of them. And yes I said in need. We found them there and I also got a new board game. I was rather excited to try the new game out! :)

When we got back to his parents' house we hung out with them and his aunt. They are rather entertaining and a lot of fun. When his cousin and girlfriend got back we had dinner. It was another all new experience for me, we grilled out, but not like I had ever grilled out before. It was rather interesting, and the food was delicious. Oh and we had cow tongue, which was also a new experience for me. Surprisingly, it was pretty good. I love the taste, but not the texture so much. Oh and I had tofu for the first time. Interesting.

After dinner we hung out with the family for a bit longer before heading back to Kalamazoo. When we got back here we had a game night with Katie, Krissi and Pat. Krissi and Pat went to bed before too late. But Katie, Justin and I played for a while. The new game, Last Word, is fun for sure and it is becoming a new favorite of ours.


Day 133:
Justin with the cube on the beach.

Day 133:
at the beach.
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
"Red meat is not bad for you. Now blue-green meat, that’s bad for you!"
-Tommy Smothers

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