

Monday (August 3) Justin had class so I got up and went to Katie's and got ready. We decided a picnic was necessary so we went to the store and got some stuff for said picnic. Unfortunately, when we got out of the store it was raining, so our picnic was moved inside. Krissi, Pat, Dan, Katie, Justin and I ate our picnic lunch in Justin's new room. It was before we put any furniture or anything in it so it was perfect for the picnic.

After the picnic, Krissi and Pat left and the rest of us moved all of Justin and Dave's stuff into their new room. I think we had a bit too much fun doing it at times (well at least Katie and I did). We may or may not have had a slacker photo shoot. And Katie played with Dave's stallion on a stick. Oh and we found Justin's raccoon vest, he could totally get on What Not To Wear with that vest alone. lol!!

Then Katie went to work and Justin and I just hung out at home. When Katie got home we had a game night with various people in the 409. Last Word is definitely a hit. Even those of us who suck at it have fun. Then again, we played until EVERYONE crossed the finished line.

When everyone went to bed Justin and I went to the park for some star gazing. I surprised him with some Cohen and Greenfield's Half Baked. We enjoyed our ice cream in the park along with some gorgeous stars.


Day 134:
this is Justin's "my girlfriend rocks because she surprised me with ice cream" face

Day 134:
in front of Justin's new desk (aka my old desk).
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush.
"Without ice cream, there would be darkness and chaos."
-Don Kardong

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