

Thursday, Justin and I slept in. Once we finally found the motivation to get out of bed, we got shower and started getting ready to go to the movie. Justin wasn't feeling good and was whining about his throat hurting. Well, he's been sick three times already in our relationship so that wasn't really shocking to me. But I was still slightly concerned. We were shooting for the movie at 2, but I wasn't ready. So we decided to wait til 4. The apartment cleaners came and I finished getting ready. When the cleaners left, we left for the movie.

We went to see District 9, I would definitely recommend it. I enjoyed it, the weapons in it were amazing. And there was a good story to it. (Typically people don't agree with my movie recommendations because I don't need a good story to be satisfied. There are multiple things that can make me happy with a movie, weapons, blood and speed are three of them. So a testosterone packed movie with little to no story will make me happy, and I've discovered most of my friends disagree.) But, I stop digressing. . . . District 9 = great.

After the movie we went to Meijer and picked up some stuff Justin needed for his trip as well as some groceries I needed/wanted. When we got home from Meijer, Dave was back! Dave has been in Austria for six weeks so we were excited to see him. (For those of you who don't know, he is Justin's roommate.)

So we spent the night hanging out with Dave and the rest the people in the 409. Justin went to bed at like 10 because he was feeling like shit and had to be up at 545 to leave for his whitewater rafting trip. I was going to go to bed with him, but he convinced me to stay up. (I'm happy now he did.) We hung out and talked for the evening and then people started dropping like flies. Dan went to bed. Then Dave and Katie, so I decided I would as well. Justin and I had bought ice cream earlier in the day to have together that night. So I went in to wake him up for ice cream (he wouldn't be mad at that, I promise). I grabbed his hand and it felt like I grabbed a pan on the stove. It was so hot! So I felt his forehead and he was hot there as well. He blamed it on the fact that I was outside, so I put his hand on my stomach (which is always on fire) and it burned there too. So I told him to zip it and got him a cold wet washcloth for his head and went in search of a thermometer. Krissi had one.

I took Justin's temperature and it was 103.2. So I told him he was going to the hospital. He argued with me, so I called my mom and went and told Blake and Krissi. All three of them agreed with me. So Blake drove the three of us (Justin, Krissi and I) to the hospital. We enjoyed discussing the fact that we were at the hospital. All summer long I was waiting for a hospital trip, ever since Marc hit me in the face with a stick when I would have been the only one sober to drive to the hospital had he poked my eye out. Well finally Dr. Hurt (yes, that was really his name) came in and took one look at Justin and said "Well, you have strep throat, Chief." Of course, Blake had a smartass comeback for that.

The nurse came in and gave Justin his first dose of antibiotics but we had to wait 10-15 minutes to make sure he wasn't allergic. Once we knew what it was we had even more fun with the fact that we were in the hospital. We took pain scale pictures. Told stories about the last time we were each in the hospital. Each stole a glove for a souvenir. When we were finally released we went to Walgreens to fill Justin's prescription. While we were in there Justin and I discussed his trip. He was supposed to be leaving in like three hours. So he decided he probably shouldn't go. As upset I was for him that he couldn't go I was happy he made that decision. I was so worried he would go and get worse.

When we got back to the 409 we almost had to make a run back to the hospital! I accidentally shut Krissi's hand in the door when I got out. :( I felt so bad, but she's ok, no worries. When we got back to Justin's apartment, we finally ate our ice cream. Then we went to bed. Exhausted.

Day 151:
our souvenirs (Justin's bracelet and my glove)
Day 151:
at the hospital.
♥ Sara
Random Fact of the Day:
111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
"If I had my way I'd make health catching instead of disease."
-Robert Ingersoll

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